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Install Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and derivatives

This document describes how to install Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL from Percona repositories on RPM-based distributions such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux and compatible derivatives. Read more about Percona repositories.

Platform specific notes

Depending on what operating system you are using, you may need to enable or disable specific modules to install Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL packages and to resolve dependencies conflicts for its specific components.

For Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL packages

Install the epel-release package:

$ sudo yum -y install epel-release
$ sudo yum repolist

Disable the postgresql and llvm-toolsetmodules:

$ sudo dnf module disable postgresql llvm-toolset

For percona-postgresql17-devel package

You may need to install the percona-postgresql17-devel package when working with some extensions or creating programs that interface with PostgreSQL database. This package requires dependencies that are not part of the Distribution, but can be installed from the specific repositories:

$ sudo yum --enablerepo=codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-rhui-rpms install perl-IPC-Run -y
$ sudo dnf install dnf-plugins-core
$ sudo dnf module enable llvm-toolset
$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled ol8_codeready_builder install perl-IPC-Run -y
$ sudo dnf install dnf-plugins-core
$ sudo dnf module enable llvm-toolset
$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb
$ sudo dnf install perl-IPC-Run -y
$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled ol9_codeready_builder install perl-IPC-Run -y

For percona-patroni package

To install Patroni on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 and compatible derivatives, enable the epel repository

$ sudo yum install epel-release

For pgpool2 extension

To install pgpool2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and compatible derivatives, enable the codeready builder repository first to resolve dependencies conflict for pgpool2.

The following are commands for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 and derivatives. For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, replace the operating system version in the commands accordingly.

$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms
$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb
$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled ol9_codeready_builder

For PostGIS

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and derivatives, replace the operating system version in the following commands accordingly.

Run the following commands:

  1. Install epel repository

    $ sudo yum install epel-release
  2. Enable the llvm-toolset dnf module

    $ sudo dnf module enable llvm-toolset
  3. Enable the codeready builder repository to resolve dependencies conflict.

    $ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms

Run the following commands:

  1. Install epel repository

    $ sudo yum install epel-release
  2. Enable the llvm-toolset dnf module

    $ sudo dnf module enable llvm-toolset
  3. Enable the codeready builder repository to resolve dependencies conflict.

    $ sudo dnf install dnf-plugins-core
    $ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb

Run the following commands:

  1. Install epel repository

    $ sudo yum install epel-release
  2. Enable the llvm-toolset dnf module

    $ sudo dnf module enable llvm-toolset
  3. Enable the codeready builder repository to resolve dependencies conflict.

    $ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled ol9_codeready_builder

Run the following commands:

  1. Configure the Oracle-Linux repository. Create the /etc/yum.repos.d/oracle-linux-ol9.repo file to install the required dependencies:

    name=Oracle Linux 9 BaseOS Latest ($basearch)
    name=Oracle Linux 9 Application Stream ($basearch)
    name=Oracle Linux 9 CodeReady Builder ($basearch) - Unsupported
  2. Download the right GPG key for the Oracle Yum Repository:

    $ wget -O /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle
  3. Install epel repository

    $ sudo yum install epel-release
  4. Disable the upstream postgresql package:

    $ sudo dnf module disable postgresql


Run all the commands in the following sections as root or using the sudo command:

Install dependencies

Install curl for Telemetry. We use it to better understand the use of our products and improve them.

$ sudo yum -y install curl

Configure the repository

  1. Install the percona-release repository management tool to subscribe to Percona repositories:

    $ sudo yum install
  2. Enable the repository

Percona provides two repositories for Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL. We recommend enabling the Major release repository to timely receive the latest updates.

$ sudo percona-release setup ppg17

Install packages

The meta package enables you to install several components of the distribution in one go.

$ sudo yum install percona-ppg-server17

Run the following commands:

  1. Install the PostgreSQL server package:

    $ sudo yum install percona-postgresql17-server
  2. Install the components:

    Install pg_repack:

    $ sudo yum install percona-pg_repack17

    Install pgaudit:

    $ sudo yum install percona-pgaudit17

    Install pgBackRest:

    $ sudo yum install percona-pgbackrest

    Install Patroni:

    $ sudo yum install percona-patroni

    Install pg_stat_monitor

    Install pgBouncer:

    $ sudo yum install percona-pgbouncer

    Install pgAudit-set_user:

    $ sudo yum install percona-pgaudit17_set_user

    Install pgBadger:

    $ sudo yum install percona-pgbadger

    Install wal2json:

    $ sudo yum install percona-wal2json17

    Install PostgreSQL contrib extensions:

    $ sudo yum install percona-postgresql17-contrib

    Install HAProxy

    $ sudo yum install percona-haproxy

    Install pg_gather

    $ sudo yum install percona-pg_gather

    Install pgpool2

    1. Check the platform specific notes
    2. Install the extension

      $ sudo yum install percona-pgpool-II-pg17

    Some extensions require additional setup in order to use them with Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL. For more information, refer to Enabling extensions.

Start the service

After the installation, the default database storage is not automatically initialized. To complete the installation and start Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL, initialize the database using the following command:

$ /usr/pgsql-17/bin/postgresql-17-setup initdb

Start the PostgreSQL service:

$ sudo systemctl start postgresql-17

Check the Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL version:

$ psql --version
Sample output
psql (PostgreSQL) 17.0.1 (Percona Server for PostgreSQL) 17.0.1

Congratulations! Your Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL is up and running.

Next steps

Enable extensions

Connect to PostgreSQL

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