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Run Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL in a Docker container

Docker images of Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL are hosted publicly on Docker Hub .

For more information about using Docker, see the Docker Docs .

Make sure that you are using the latest version of Docker . The ones provided via apt and yum may be outdated and cause errors.

By default, Docker pulls the image from Docker Hub if it is not available locally.

Docker image contents

The Docker image of Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL includes the following components:

Component name Description
percona-postgresql17 A metapackage that installs the latest version of PostgreSQL
percona-postgresql17-server The PostgreSQL server package.
percona-postgresql-common PostgreSQL database-cluster manager. It provides a structure under which multiple versions of PostgreSQL may be installed and/or multiple clusters maintained at one time.
percona-postgresql-client-common The manager for multiple PostgreSQL client versions.
percona-postgresql17-contrib A collection of additional PostgreSQLcontrib extensions
percona-postgresql17-libs Libraries for use with PostgreSQL.
percona-pg-stat-monitor17 A Query Performance Monitoring tool for PostgreSQL.
percona-pgaudit17 Provides detailed session or object audit logging via the standard PostgreSQL logging facility.
percona-pgaudit17_set_user An additional layer of logging and control when unprivileged users must escalate themselves to superuser or object owner roles in order to perform needed maintenance tasks.
percona-pg_repack17 rebuilds PostgreSQL database objects.
percona-wal2json17 a PostgreSQL logical decoding JSON output plugin.

Start the container

  1. Start a Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL container as follows:

    $ docker run --name container-name -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -d percona/percona-distribution-postgresql:<tag>-multi


    • container-name is the name you assign to your container
    • POSTGRES_PASSWORD is the superuser password
    • tag-multi is the tag specifying the version you need. For example, 17.0-multi. The multi part of the tag serves to identify the architecture (x86_64 or ARM64) and pull the respective image. See the full list of tags .


    You can secure the password by exporting it to the environment file and using that to start the container.

    1. Export the password to the environment file:

      $ echo "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret" > .my-pg.env
    2. Start the container:

      $ docker run --name container-name --env-file ./.my-pg.env -d percona/percona-distribution-postgresql:<tag>-multi
  2. Connect to the container’s interactive terminal:

    $ docker exec -it container-name bash

    The container-name is the name of the container that you started in the previous step.

Connect to Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL from an application in another Docker container

This image exposes the standard PostgreSQL port (5432), so container linking makes the instance available to other containers. Start other containers like this in order to link it to the Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL container:

$ docker run --name app-container-name --network container:container-name -d app-that-uses-postgresql 


  • app-container-name is the name of the container where your application is running,
  • container name is the name of your Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL container, and
  • app-that-uses-postgresql is the name of your PostgreSQL client.

Connect to Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL from the psql command line client

The following command starts another container instance and runs the psql command line client against your original container, allowing you to execute SQL statements against your database:

$ docker run -it --network container:db-container-name --name container-name percona/percona-distribution-postgresql:<tag>-multi psql -h address -U postgres


  • db-container-name is the name of your database container
  • container-name is the name of your container that you will use to connect to the database container using the psql command line client tag-multi is the tag specifying the version you need. For example, 17.0-multi. The multi part of the tag serves to identify the architecture (x86_64 or ARM64) and pull the respective image.
  • address is the network address where your database container is running. Use, if the database container is running on the local machine/host.

Enable pg_stat_monitor

To enable the pg_stat_monitor extension after launching the container, do the following:

  • connect to the server,
  • select the desired database and enable the pg_stat_monitor view for that database:
create extension pg_stat_monitor;
  • to ensure that everything is set up correctly, run:
\d pg_stat_monitor;
                         View "public.pg_stat_monitor"
      Column        |           Type           | Collation | Nullable | Default
bucket              | integer                  |           |          |
bucket_start_time   | timestamp with time zone |           |          |
userid              | oid                      |           |          |
dbid                | oid                      |           |          |
queryid             | text                     |           |          |
query               | text                     |           |          |
plan_calls          | bigint                   |           |          |
plan_total_time     | numeric                  |           |          |
plan_min_timei      | numeric                  |           |          |
plan_max_time       | numeric                  |           |          |
plan_mean_time      | numeric                  |           |          |
plan_stddev_time    | numeric                  |           |          |
plan_rows           | bigint                   |           |          |
calls               | bigint                   |           |          |
total_time          | numeric                  |           |          |
min_time            | numeric                  |           |          |
max_time            | numeric                  |           |          |
mean_time           | numeric                  |           |          |
stddev_time         | numeric                  |           |          |
rows                | bigint                   |           |          |
shared_blks_hit     | bigint                   |           |          |
shared_blks_read    | bigint                   |           |          |
shared_blks_dirtied | bigint                   |           |          |
shared_blks_written | bigint                   |           |          |
local_blks_hit      | bigint                   |           |          |
local_blks_read     | bigint                   |           |          |
local_blks_dirtied  | bigint                   |           |          |
local_blks_written  | bigint                   |           |          |
temp_blks_read      | bigint                   |           |          |
temp_blks_written   | bigint                   |           |          |
blk_read_time       | double precision         |           |          |
blk_write_time      | double precision         |           |          |
host                | bigint                   |           |          |
client_ip           | inet                     |           |          |
resp_calls          | text[]                   |           |          |
cpu_user_time       | double precision         |           |          |
cpu_sys_time        | double precision         |           |          |
tables_names        | text[]                   |           |          |
wait_event          | text                     |           |          |
wait_event_type     | text                     |           |          |

Note that the pg_stat_monitor view is available only for the databases where you enabled it. If you create a new database, make sure to create the view for it to see its statistics data.

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