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HAProxy configuration file

Example of HAProxy v1 configuration file

HAProxy v1 configuration file
        log   local0
        log   local1 notice
        maxconn 4096
        uid 99
        gid 99

        log     global
        mode    http
        option  tcplog
        option  dontlognull
        retries 3
        maxconn 2000
        contimeout      5000
        clitimeout      50000
        srvtimeout      50000
        timeout connect 160000
        timeout client 240000
        timeout server 240000

listen mysql-cluster
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin
    option mysql-check user root

    server db01 check
    server db02 check
    server db03 check

Options set in the configuration file

Differences between version 1 configuration file and version 2 configuration file

Version Declaration:

v1: The configuration file typically omits an explicit version declaration.

v2: You must explicitly declare the version using the version keyword followed by the specific version number (e.g., version = 2.0).

Global Parameters:

v1 and v2: Both versions utilize a global section to define global parameters, but certain parameters might have different names or functionalities across versions. Refer to the official documentation for specific changes.

Configuration Blocks:

v1 and v2: Both versions use a similar indentation-based structure to define configuration blocks like frontend and backend. However, v2 introduces new blocks and keywords not present in v1 (e.g., process, http-errors).


v1 and v2: While many directives remain consistent, some might have renamed keywords, altered syntax, or entirely new functionalities in v2. Consult the official documentation for a comprehensive comparison of directives and their usage between versions.


v1 and v2: Both versions support comments using the # symbol. However, v2 introduces multi-line comments using // syntax, which v1 does not support.

Version 2 configuration file

This simplified example is for load balancing. HAProxy offers numerous features for advanced configurations and fine-tuning.

This example demonstrates a basic HAProxy v2 configuration file for load-balancing HTTP traffic across two backend servers.

Global Section

The following settings are defined in the Global section:

In the defaults block, we set the operating mode to TCP and define option tcpka

    maxconn 4000           # Maximum concurrent connections (adjust as needed)
    user haproxy          # User to run HAProxy process
    group haproxy          # Group to run HAProxy process
    stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock mode 666 level admin

    mode tcp             # Set operating mode to TCP
    #option tcpka

Frontend Section

The following settings are defined in this section:

  • Create a frontend named “webserver” that listens on port 80 for incoming HTTP requests.

  • Enable the httpclose option to terminate idle client connections efficiently.

  • Specify the default backend for this frontend.

frontend gr-prod-rw
    mode tcp
    option contstats
    option dontlognull
    option clitcpka
    default_backend gr-prod-rw

You should add the following options:

option Description
contstats Provides continuous updates to the statistics of your connections. This option ensures that your traffic counters are updated in real-time, rather than only after a connection closes, giving you a more accurate and immediate view of your traffic patterns.
dontlognull Does not log requests that don’t transfer any data, like health check pings.
clitcpka Configures TCP keepalive settings for client connections. This option allows the operating system to detect and terminate inactive connections, even if HAProxy isn’t actively checking them.

Backend Section

In this section, you specify the backend servers that will handle requests forwarded by the frontend. List each server with their respective IP addresses, ports, and weights.

You set up a health check with check inter 10000. This option means that HAProxy performs a health check on each server every 10,000 milliseconds or 10 seconds. If a server fails a health check, it is temporarily removed from the pool until it passes subsequent checks, ensuring smooth and reliable client service. This proactive monitoring is crucial for maintaining an efficient and uninterrupted backend service.

Set the number of retries to put the service down and up. For example, you set the rise parameter to 1, which means the server only needs to pass one health check before the server is considered healthy again. The fall parameter is set to 2, requiring two consecutive failed health checks before the server is marked as unhealthy.

The weight 50 backup setting is crucial for load balancing; this setting determines that this server only receives traffic if the primary servers are down. The weight of 50 indicates the relative amount of traffic the server will handle compared to other servers in the backup role. This method ensures the server can handle a significant load even in backup mode, but not as much as a primary server.

The following example lists these options. Replace the server details (IP addresses, ports) with your backend server information. Adjust weights and other options according to your specific needs and server capabilities.

backend servers
    server server1 check inter 10000 rise 1 fall 2 weight 50
    server server1 check inter 10000 rise 1 fall 2 weight 50 backup
    server server1 check inter 10000 rise 1 fall 2 weight 1 backup

More information about how to configure HAProxy

Last update: 2024-03-29