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Collects debug data (logs, resource statuses etc.) from a k8s/OpenShift cluster. Data is packed into the cluster-dump.tar.gz archive in the current working directory.

Data that will be collected

"your-custom-resource" (depends on 'resource' flag)

Data, collected for PXC


Summary, collected for PXC (available in file summary.txt)


Individual files, collected for PXC


Data, collected for MySQL


Summary, collected for MySQL (available in file summary.txt)


Data, collected for MongoDB


Summary, collected for MongoDB (available in file summary.txt)


Data, collected for PostgreSQL


Summary, collected for PostgreSQL (available in file summary.txt)



pt-k8s-debug-collector <flags>

Supported Flags


Targeted custom resource name. Supported values:

  • pxc - PXC

  • psmdb - MongoDB

  • pg - PostgreSQL Operator v1 (deprecated)

  • pgv2 - PostgreSQL Operator v2

  • ps - MySQL

  • none - Collect only general Kubernetes data, do not collect anything specific to the particular operator).

  • auto - Auto-detect custom resource

Default: auto


Targeted namespace. By default data will be collected from all namespaces


Targeted cluster. By default data from all available clusters to be collected


Path to kubeconfig. Default configuration be used if none specified


Port to use when collecting database-specific summaries. By default, 3306 will be used for PXC and MySQL, 27017 for MongoDB, and 5432 for PostgreSQL


Print version info


  • Installed, configured, and available in PATH kubectl

  • Installed, configured, and available in PATH pt-mysql-summary for PXC and MySQL

  • Installed, configured, and available in PATH mysql for PXC and MySQL

  • Installed, configured, and available in PATH pt-mongodb-summary for MongoDB

  • Installed, configured, and available in PATH psql for PostgreSQL

Known Issues

On Kubernetes 1.21 - 1.24 warning is printed:

   2022/12/15 17:43:16 Error: get resource podsecuritypolicies in namespace default: error: <nil>, stderr: Warning: policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+
, stdout: apiVersion: v1
   items: []
   kind: List
     resourceVersion: ""

This warning is harmless and does not affect data collection. We will remove podsecuritypolicies once everyone upgrade to Kubernetes 1.25 or newer. Before that we advise to ignore this warning.