.. _pt-k8s-debug-collector: ================================== :program:`pt-k8s-debug-collector` ================================== Collects debug data (logs, resource statuses etc.) from a k8s/OpenShift cluster. Data is packed into the ``cluster-dump.tar.gz`` archive in the current working directory. Data that will be collected =========================== .. code-block:: bash "pods", "replicasets", "deployments", "statefulsets", "replicationcontrollers", "events", "configmaps", "cronjobs", "jobs", "podsecuritypolicies", "poddisruptionbudgets", "perconaxtradbbackups", "perconaxtradbclusterbackups", "perconaxtradbclusterrestores", "perconaxtradbclusters", "clusterrolebindings", "clusterroles", "rolebindings", "roles", "storageclasses", "persistentvolumeclaims", "persistentvolumes", "modes", "your-custom-resource" (depends on 'resource' flag) Data, collected for PXC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash "perconaxtradbbackups", "perconaxtradbclusterbackups", "perconaxtradbclusterrestores", "perconaxtradbclusters" Summary, collected for PXC (available in file summary.txt) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash "pt-mysql-summary" Individual files, collected for PXC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash "var/lib/mysql/mysqld-error.log", "var/lib/mysql/innobackup.backup.log", "var/lib/mysql/innobackup.move.log", "var/lib/mysql/innobackup.prepare.log", "var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat", "var/lib/mysql/gvwstate.dat", "var/lib/mysql/mysqld.post.processing.log", "var/lib/mysql/auto.cnf" Data, collected for MySQL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash "perconaservermysqlbackups", "perconaservermysqlrestores", "perconaservermysqls" Summary, collected for MySQL (available in file summary.txt) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash "pt-mysql-summary" Data, collected for MongoDB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash "perconaservermongodbbackups", "perconaservermongodbrestores", "perconaservermongodbs" Summary, collected for MongoDB (available in file summary.txt) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash "pt-mongodb-summary" Data, collected for PostgreSQL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash "perconapgclusters", "pgclusters", "pgpolicies", "pgreplicas", "pgtasks" Summary, collected for PostgreSQL (available in file summary.txt) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash "pg_gather" Usage ===== ``pt-k8s-debug-collector `` Supported Flags ================ ``--resource`` Targeted custom resource name. Supported values: * ``pxc`` - PXC * ``psmdb`` - MongoDB * ``pg`` - PostgreSQL Operator v1 (deprecated) * ``pgv2`` - PostgreSQL Operator v2 * ``ps`` - MySQL * ``none`` - Collect only general Kubernetes data, do not collect anything specific to the particular operator). * ``auto`` - Auto-detect custom resource Default: ``auto`` ``--namespace`` Targeted namespace. By default data will be collected from all namespaces ``--cluster`` Targeted cluster. By default data from all available clusters to be collected ``--kubeconfig`` Path to kubeconfig. Default configuration be used if none specified ``--forwardport`` Port to use when collecting database-specific summaries. By default, 3306 will be used for PXC and MySQL, 27017 for MongoDB, and 5432 for PostgreSQL ``--version`` Print version info Requirements ============ - Installed, configured, and available in PATH ``kubectl`` - Installed, configured, and available in PATH ``pt-mysql-summary`` for PXC and MySQL - Installed, configured, and available in PATH ``mysql`` for PXC and MySQL - Installed, configured, and available in PATH ``pt-mongodb-summary`` for MongoDB - Installed, configured, and available in PATH ``psql`` for PostgreSQL Known Issues ============ On Kubernetes 1.21 - 1.24 warning is printed: .. code-block:: bash 2022/12/15 17:43:16 Error: get resource podsecuritypolicies in namespace default: error: , stderr: Warning: policy/v1beta1 PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+ , stdout: apiVersion: v1 items: [] kind: List metadata: resourceVersion: "" This warning is harmless and does not affect data collection. We will remove podsecuritypolicies once everyone upgrade to Kubernetes 1.25 or newer. Before that we advise to ignore this warning.