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pt-secure-collect - collect, sanitize, pack and encrypt data.



pt-secure-data [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

By default, pt-secure-collect will collect the output of:

  • pt-stalk  --no-stalk --iterations=2 --sleep=30

  • pt-summary

  • pt-mysql-summary

Global flags


Show context-sensitive help (also try –help-long and –help-man).


Enable debug log level.


  • Help command

    Show help

  • Collect command

    Collect, sanitize, pack and encrypt data from pt-tools. Usage:

    pt-secure-collect collect <flags>

    Directory having the Percona Toolkit binaries (if they are not in PATH).


    Temporary directory used for the data collection. Default: ${HOME}/data_collection_{timestamp}


    Include this dir into the sanitized tar file.


    Path to the config file. Default: ~/.my.cnf


    MySQL host. Default:


    MySQL port. Default: 3306


    MySQL user name.


    MySQL password.


    Ask MySQL password.


    Also run this command as part of the data collection. This parameter can be used more than once.


    Encrypt the output file using this password. If omitted, it will be asked in the command line.


    Do not collect data


    Do not sanitize data


    Do not encrypt the output file.


    Do not sanitize hostnames.


    Do not replace queries by their fingerprints.


    Do not remove temporary files.

  • Decrypt command

    Decrypt an encrypted file. The password will be requested from the terminal. Usage:

    pt-secure-collect decrypt [flags] <input file>

    Write the output to this file. If omitted, the output file name will be the same as the input file, adding the .aes extension.

  • Encrypt command

    Encrypt a file. The password will be requested from the terminal. Usage:

    pt-secure-collect encrypt [flags] <input file>

    Write the output to this file. If omitted, the output file name will be the same as the input file, without the .aes extension.

  • Sanitize command

    Replace queries in a file by their fingerprints and obfuscate hostnames. Usage:

    pt-secure-collect sanitize [flags]

    Input file. If not specified, the input will be Stdin.


    Output file. If not specified, the input will be Stdout.


    Do not sanitize host names.


    Do not replace queries by their fingerprints.


Carlos Salguero

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