Quickstart guides
Percona Server for MongoDB is an enhanced, fully compatible, source available, drop-in replacement for MongoDB 7.0 Community Edition with enterprise-grade features.
Find the full list of supported platforms for Percona Server for MongoDB on the Percona Software and Platform Lifecycle page.
Install Percona Server for MongoDB basic¶
You can use any of the easy-install guides. We recommend to use the package manager of your operating system for a convenient and quick way to install the software for production use. Use Docker to try the software first.
Use the package manager of your operating system to install Percona Server for MongoDB:
on Debian and Ubuntu on RHEL and derivatives
We gather Telemetry data in Percona packages.
Get our Docker image and spin up Percona Server for MongoDB for a quick evaluation.
Check the Docker guide for step-by-step guidelines.
We gather Telemetry data in Docker images.
Percona Operator for Kubernetes is a controller introduced to simplify complex deployments that require meticulous and secure database expertise.
Check the Quickstart guides how to deploy and run Percona Server for MongoDB on Kubernetes with Percona Operator for MongoDB.
Have a full control over the installation by building Percona Server for MongoDB from source code.
Check the guide below for step-by-step instructions.
If you need to install Percona Server for MongoDB offline or prefer a specific version of it, check out the link below for a step-by-step guide and get access to the downloads directory.
Note that for this scenario you must make sure that all dependencies are satisfied.
Install Percona Server for MongoDB Pro¶
Percona Server for MongoDB Pro is available only from Percona repositories.
Install Percona Server for MongoDB Pro
Upgrade instructions¶
If you are already using MongoDB, see Upgrading from MongoDB.
If you are running an earlier version of Percona Server for MongoDB, see Upgrading from Version 6.0.
If you wish to upgrade to Percona Server for MongoDB Pro, see Upgrade to Percona Server for MongoDB Pro guide.