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How to create a new (or repair a broken) GTID-based replica

Percona XtraBackup automatically stores the GTID value in the xtrabackup_binlog_info when doing the backup of MySQL and Percona Server for MySQL 8.4 with the GTID mode enabled. This information can be used to create a new (or repair a broken) GTID-based replica.

1. Take a backup from any server on the replication environment, source or replica

The following command takes a backup and saves it in the /data/backups/$TIMESTAMP folder:

$ xtrabackup --backup --target-dir=/data/backups/

In the destination folder, there will be a file with the name xtrabackup_binlog_info. This file contains both binary log coordinates and the GTID information.

$ cat xtrabackup_binlog_info
The result could look like this:

Expected output
mysql-bin.000002    1232        c777888a-b6df-11e2-a604-080027635ef5:1-4

That information is also printed by xtrabackup after taking the backup:

Expected output
xtrabackup: MySQL binlog position: filename 'mysql-bin.000002', position 1232, GTID of the last change 'c777888a-b6df-11e2-a604-080027635ef5:1-4'

2. Prepare the backup

The backup will be prepared with the following command on the Source:

$ xtrabackup --prepare --target-dir=/data/backup

You need to select the path where your snapshot has been taken, for example /data/backups/2023-05-07_08-33-33. If everything is ok you should get the same OK message. Now, the transaction logs are applied to the data files, and new ones are created: your data files are ready to be used by the MySQL server.

3. Move the backup to the destination server

Use rsync or scp to copy the data to the destination server. If you are synchronizing the data directly to the already running replica’s data directory it is advised to stop the MySQL server there.

$ rsync -avprP -e ssh /path/to/backupdir/$TIMESTAMP NewReplica:/path/to/mysql/

After you copy the data over, make sure MySQL has proper permissions to access them.

$ chown mysql:mysql /path/to/mysql/datadir

4. Configure and start replication

Set the gtid_purged variable to the GTID from xtrabackup_binlog_info. Then, update the information about the source node and, finally, start the replica.


The example above is applicable to Percona XtraDB Cluster. The wsrep_on variable is set to 0 before resetting the source (RESET BINARY LOGS AND GTIDS). The reason is that Percona XtraDB Cluster will not allow resetting the source if wsrep_on=1.

# Using the mysql shell
 > SET SESSION wsrep_on = 0;
 > SET SESSION wsrep_on = 1;
 > SET GLOBAL gtid_purged='<gtid_string_found_in_xtrabackup_binlog_info>';
             SOURCE_AUTO_POSITION = 1;

5. Check the replication status

The following command returns the replica status:

The results should be similar to the following:

Expected output
Replica_IO_Running: Yes
Replica_SQL_Running: Yes
Retrieved_Gtid_Set: c777888a-b6df-11e2-a604-080027635ef5:5
Executed_Gtid_Set: c777888a-b6df-11e2-a604-080027635ef5:1-5

We can see that the replica has retrieved a new transaction with step 5, so transactions from 1 to 5 are already on the replica.

We have created a new replica in our GTID based replication environment.

Last update: 2024-08-13