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This documentation is for the end of life version of Percona Server for MongoDB and is no longer supported. You may want to see the current documentation.

Installing Percona Server for MongoDB on Debian and Ubuntu


Percona Server for MongoDB should work on other DEB-based distributions, but it is tested only on platforms listed above on the Percona Software and Platform Lifecycle page.

Package Contents


Installs the mongo shell, import/export tools, other client utilities, server software, default configuration, and init.d scripts.


Contains the mongod server, default configuration files, and init.d scripts.


Contains the mongo shell.


Contains the mongos sharded cluster query router.


Contains Mongo tools for high-performance MongoDB fork from Percona.


Contains debug symbols for the server.

Installing from Percona Repositories

It is recommended to install Percona Server for MongoDB from official Percona repositories.

Configure Percona repositories as described in Percona Software Repositories Documentation.

Install the latest version

Starting from Percona Server for MongoDB 3.6.19-7.0, the packages are located in the psmdb-36 repository. To install the latest version of Percona Server for MongoDB, do the following:

  1. Enable the repository.

    $ sudo percona-release enable psmdb-36
  2. Install the required Percona Server for MongoDB package using apt-get. For example, to install the full package, run the following:

    $ sudo apt-get install percona-server-mongodb-36

Install a specific version

Percona Server for MongoDB versions earlier than 3.6.19-7.0 are available for download on the Percona website.

  1. Select the desired version and your operating system from the drop-down menus.

  2. Download the package bundle. The permalink for download is generated for you based on your selections in the format<release_version>/binary/<OS>/<OS_version>/x86_64/<package_name>.

    For example, to download Percona Server for MongoDB 3.6.14-3.4 for Debian Buster, use the following URL:

    $ wget
  3. Unpack the archive

    $ tar xfv percona-server-mongodb-3.6.14-3.4-r0985495-buster-x86_64-bundle.tar
  4. Install the packages

    $ sudo dpkg -i percona-server-mongodb-36_3.6.14-3.4.buster_amd64.deb \
      percona-server-mongodb-36-dbg_3.6.14-3.4.buster_amd64.deb \
      percona-server-mongodb-36-mongos_3.6.14-3.4.buster_amd64.deb \
      percona-server-mongodb-36-server_3.6.14-3.4.buster_amd64.deb \
      percona-server-mongodb-36-shell_3.6.14-3.4.buster_amd64.deb \


    If dpkg fails at this step due to missing dependencies, run apt as follows:

    $ sudo apt-get install --fix-broken

Using Percona Server for MongoDB

By default, Percona Server for MongoDB stores data files in /var/lib/mongodb/ and configuration parameters in /etc/mongod.conf.

  • Starting the service

    Percona Server for MongoDB is started automatically after installation unless it encounters errors during the installation process. You can also manually start it using the following command:

    $ sudo systemctl start mongod
  • Confirming that the service is running

    Check the service status using the following command:

    $ sudo systemctl status mongod
  • Stopping the service

    Stop the service using the following command:

    $ sudo systemctl stop mongod
  • Restarting the service

    Restart the service using the following command:

    $ sudo systemctl restart mongod

Uninstalling Percona Server for MongoDB

To uninstall Percona Server for MongoDB, remove all the installed packages. Removing packages with apt-get remove will leave the configuration and data files. Removing the packages with apt-get purge will remove all the packages with configuration files and data. Depending on your needs you can choose which command better suits you.

  1. Stop the server:

    $ sudo systemctl stop mongod
  2. Remove the packages.

    • If you want to leave configuration and data files:

      $ sudo apt-get remove percona-server-mongodb*
    • If you want to delete configuration and data files as well as the packages:

      $ sudo apt-get purge percona-server-mongodb*