Percona Everest 1.5.0 has been released
Percona Everest 1.5.0 has been released on Tuesday, March 04, 2025.
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Here's a brief overview of what's been added in Percona Everest 1.5.0:
- RBAC is now GA: We’re delighted to announce the General Availability of RBAC in Percona Everest 1.5.0.
With RBAC, only authorized individuals can access specific resources or perform certain actions based on their assigned roles.
RBAC with enhanced IdP: Starting with Percona Everest 1.5.0, you can now assign RBAC policies to user groups obtained from the external IDP. This enhancement simplifies permissions management for external users without the need for unique sub IDs. To use IdP groups in Percona Everest RBAC, you must set up the groups claim in your IdP provider configuration.
Supported operator: Percona Everest now supports PSMDB Operator v1.19.1 and PXC operator v1.16.1.
Explore the new features, improvements, bug fixes, and known issues in Percona Everest 1.5.0 release notes.