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Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM)

The advanced open source database observability solution

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a powerful, open source database performance management solution that provides real-time visibility into your database infrastructure. With PMM, you can easily monitor and manage your PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB databases, as well as other popular open source databases.

PMM is available as a managed service on Ivee, allowing you to deploy and manage PMM without the need to install or maintain any hardware or software.

Key features and benefits

  • Real-time monitoring: Get real-time insights into the performance of your databases with detailed metrics and graphs.
  • Alerts and notifications: Be alerted to potential problems before they become serious with customizable alerts and notifications.
  • Performance tuning: Optimize your database performance with PMM’s performance tuning tools, including Query Analytics (QAN) for deep insights into query performance and resource consumption.
  • Security and compliance: Protect your data with PMM’s security and compliance features.

Get started

  1. Deploy PMM Server: In the Ivee portal, choose “Percona Monitoring and Management” and follow the prompts to create it.
  2. Connect: Once your server is ready, use the provided hostname, port and password to connect using your preferred web browser. The default PMM user is admin.

Read more about Percona Monitoring and Management in official documentation.