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This is the Beta version of the extension and is not recommended for production use yet. Please use it in testing environments only.


pg_tde stands for Transparent Data Encryption for PostgreSQL. This is an open-source extension designed to enhance PostgreSQL’s security by encrypting data files on disk. The encryption is transparent for users allowing them to access and manipulate the data and not to worry about the encryption process.

Unlike traditional encryption methods that require significant changes to database schemas and applications, pg_tde seamlessly integrates with PostgreSQL, encrypting data at the table level without disrupting existing workflows. It uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm.

Key features:

  • Encryption of heap tables, including TOAST.
  • Storage of encryption keys in either a Hashicorp Vault server or a local keyring file (primarily for development purposes).
  • Configurable encryption settings per database: you can choose which tables to encrypt, achieving granular control over data protection.
  • Replication support.
  • Enhanced security through the ability to rotate principal keys used for data encryption, reducing the risk of long-term exposure to potential attacks and aiding compliance with security standards like GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS.


This section provides instructions how to install pg_tde from Percona repositories using the package manager of your operating system. For other installation methods, refer to the pg_tde documentation .

pg_tde packages are available for the following Linux distributions:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa)
  • Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)
  • Debian 10 (Buster)
  • Debian 11 (Bullseye)
  • Debian 12 (Bookworm)

To install pg_tde, run the following commands as the root user or with the sudo privileges:

  1. Install percona-release repository management tool.

  2. Enable the repository:

    $ sudo percona-release enable-only ppg-16.3 testing
  3. Install the package:

    $ sudo apt-get install percona-postgresql-16-pg-tde

pg_tde packages are available for the following Linux distributions:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and compatible derivatives
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 and compatible derivatives

To install pg_tde, run the following commands as the root user or with the sudo privileges:

  1. Enable / disable modules:

    Install the epel-release package:

    $ sudo yum -y install epel-release
    $ sudo yum repolist

    Disable the postgresql and llvm-toolsetmodules:

    $ sudo dnf module disable postgresql llvm-toolset
  2. Install percona-release repository management tool.

  3. Enable the repository:

    $ sudo percona-release enable-only ppg-16.3 testing
  4. Install the package:

    $ sudo yum install percona-pg_tde_16


pg_tde requires additional setup steps in order to use it with PostgreSQL. This section provides setup using the HashiCorp Vault server for storing encryption key as the recommended approach. Please see [pg_tde documentation ] for alternative configuration using a keyfile.

The setup of the Vault server is out of scope of this document. We’re assuming you have the Vault server up and running and have the following information required for the setup:

  • The secret access token to the Vault server
  • The URL to access the Vault server
  • (Optional) The CA file used for SSL verification

Install the extension in PostgreSQL

  1. Add pg_tde to shared_preload_libraries.

The recommended way to modify PostgreSQL configuration file is using the ALTER SYSTEM :octicons-external-link-16: command. Connect to psql and use the following command:

ALTER SYSTEM SET shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_tde';
  1. Start or restart the postgresql instance to enable pg_tde. Use the following command for restart:

    $ sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service
    $ sudo systemctl restart postgresql-16
  2. Install the extension in your PostgreSQL using the CREATE EXTENSION command. CREATE EXTENSION command. You must have the privileges of a superuser or a database owner to use this command. Connect to psql as a superuser for a database and run the following command:


    By default, the pg_tde extension is created for the currently used database. To enable data encryption in other databases, you must explicitly run the CREATE EXTENSION command against them.


    You can have the pg_tde extension automatically enabled for every newly created database. Modify the template template1 database as follows:

    psql -d template1 -c 'CREATE EXTENSION pg_tde;'

    After you enabled pg_tde, the access method :octicons-external-link-16: pg_tde is created for that database.

Key configuration

  1. Set up a key provider for for the database where you have enabled the extension
SELECT pg_tde_add_key_provider_vault_v2('provider-name',:'secret_token','url','mount','ca_path');


  • url is the URL of the Vault server
  • mount is the mount point where the keyring should store the keys
  • secret_token is an access token with read and write access to the above mount point
  • [optional] ca_path is the path of the CA file used for SSL verification

  • Add a principal key

    SELECT pg_tde_set_principal_key('name-of-the-principal-key', 'provider-name');


To check if the data is encrypted, do the following:

  1. Create a table for the database where you have enabled pg_tde using the pg_tde access method:

    CREATE TABLE my_encrypted_table (
    sensitive_data TEXT
    ) USING pg_tde;
  2. Insert some data ito it:

    INSERT INTO my_encrypted_table (sensitive_data)
    VALUES ('Sensitive data 1'), ('Sensitive data 2'), ('Sensitive data 3');
  3. Check if the data is encrypted:

    SELECT pg_tde_is_encrypted('my_encrypted_table');

    The function returns t if the table is encrypted and f - if not.

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