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This documentation is for the end of life version of Percona Server for MongoDB and is no longer supported. You may want to see the current documentation.

Upgrading from Percona Server for MongoDB 3.6 to 4.0ΒΆ


MongoRocks has been removed from Percona Server for MongoDB 4.0

To upgrade Percona Server for MongoDB to version 4.0, you must be running version 3.6. Upgrades from earlier versions are not supported.

Before upgrading your production Percona Server for MongoDB deployments, test all your applications in a testing environment to make sure they are compatible with the new version. For more information, see Compatibility Changes in MongoDB 4.0

The general procedure for performing an in-place upgrade (where your existing data and configuration files are preserved) includes the following steps:

  1. Stop the mongod instance

  2. Enable Percona repository for new version

  3. Install new packages. Old packages are automatically considered obsolete and removed

  4. Start the mongod instance

It is recommended to upgrade Percona Server for MongoDB from official Percona repositories using the corresponding package manager for your system. For more information, see Installing Percona Server for MongoDB.


Perform a full backup of your data and configuration files before upgrading.

  1. Stop the mongod instance:

    $ sudo systemctl stop mongod
  2. Enable Percona repository for Percona Server for MongoDB 4.0:

    $ sudo percona-release enable psmdb-40
  3. Update the local cache:

    $ sudo apt update
  4. Install Percona Server for MongoDB 4.0 packages:

    $ sudo apt install percona-server-mongodb
  5. Start the mongod instance:

    $ sudo systemctl start mongod

For more information, see Installing Percona Server for MongoDB on Debian and Ubuntu.

After the upgrade, Percona Server for MongoDB is started with the feature set of 3.6 version. Assuming that your applications are compatible with the new version, enable 4.0 version features. Run the following command against the admin database:

db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "4.0" } )