.. _4.0.9-4: ================================================================================ |PSMDB| |release| ================================================================================ Percona announces the release of |PSMDB| |release| on |date|. Download the latest version from the `Percona website`_ or the `Percona software repositories`_. |PSMDB| is an enhanced, open source, and highly-scalable database that is a fully-compatible, drop-in replacement for |mongodb-ce|. It supports |mongodb| 4.0 protocols and drivers. |PSMDB| extends the functionality of the |mongodb-ce| by including the :ref:`inmemory` storage engine, :ref:`encrypted WiredTiger storage engine `, :ref:`audit logging `, :ref:`External LDAP Authentication with SASL `, :ref:`hot backups `, and :ref:`enhanced query profiling `. |PSMDB| requires no changes to |mongodb| applications or code. This release `includes all features `_ of |mongodb-ce| 4.0. Most notable among these are: - `Multi-Document ACID transactions `_ - `Type conversion through the new aggregation operators `_ - `Enhancements to the Change Streams support `_ Note that the `MMAPv1 storage engine is deprecated `_ in |mongodb-ce| 4.0. |PSMDB| |release| is based on `MongoDB 4.0.9 `_ and contains the following bug fixes: Bug Fixes ================================================================================ - :psmdb-bug:`PSMDB-343`: Building from sources could fail with ``openssl`` version 1.1.1. .. |release| replace:: 4.0.9-4 .. |date| replace:: April 17, 2019 .. |mongodb-ce| replace:: MongoDB 4.0 Community Edition .. |mongodb| replace:: MongoDB .. include:: ../.res/url.txt .. include:: ../.res/replace.program.txt