.. _PSMDB-4.0.28-23: ================================================================================ *Percona Server for MongoDB* 4.0.28-23 ================================================================================ :Date: February 23, 2022 :Installation: `Installing Percona Server for MongoDB `_ Percona Server for MongoDB 4.0.28 is an enhanced, source available, and highly-scalable database that is a fully-compatible, drop-in replacement for MongoDB 4.0.28 Community Edition. It supports MongoDB 4.0.28 protocols and drivers. .. admonition:: Reminder MongoDB 4.0 is scheduled to go `End of Life on April 30, 2022 `_. Please plan your upgrades accordingly. To learn more about Percona’s software and services life cycle policies, see `Percona Release Lifecycle Overview `_ and `Percona Services Lifecycle Policy `_. Release Highlights ================== * `SERVER-59929 `_ - Fixed issue from versions 4.0.26 and below that caused slower update and insert times related to ``splitChunk`` and ``moveChunk`` operations. * `SERVER-55648 `_ - Resolved issues related to failures in retryable writes in case of shutdowns. * `SERVER-62065 `_ - Added the ``repairShardedCollectionChunksHistory`` command to restore ``history`` fields for some chunks. This aims to fix broken snapshot reads and distributed transactions. * `SERVER-54064 `_ - Added periodic clean up of logical sessions cache on arbiters * `SERVER-45953 `_ - Exempted internal replication oplog readers from acquiring read tickets in order to avoid deadlocks Find the full list of changes in the `MongoDB 4.0.28 Community Edition release notes `_.