.. _PSMDB-4.0.21-15: ================================================================================ *Percona Server for MongoDB* 4.0.21-15 ================================================================================ :Date: November 23, 2020 :Installation: `Installing Percona Server for MongoDB `_ Percona Server for MongoDB 4.0.21-15 is an enhanced, open source, and highly-scalable database that is a fully-compatible, drop-in replacement for `MongoDB 4.0.21 Community Edition `_. It supports MongoDB 4.0.21 protocols and drivers. Improvements ================================================================================ * :jirabug:`PSMDB-711`: Improve audit log performance Bugs Fixed ================================================================================ * :jirabug:`PSMDB-712`: User can't be authorized via LDAP due to 'LDAP search failed with error: Referral' * :jirabug:`PSMDB-755`: Add ldapDebug, ldapFollowReferrals and ldapConnectionPoolSizePerHost server parameters * :jirabug:`PSMDB-715`: createBackup using AWS remote location fails with "EntityTooLarge" * :jirabug:`PSMDB-677`: mongosh cannot authenticate LDAP user * :jirabug:`PSMDB-544`: Binaries perconadecrypt and mongobridge do not have a version