.. _PSMDB-3.6.19-7.0: ================================================================================ *Percona Server for MongoDB* 3.6.19-7.0 ================================================================================ :Date: August 13, 2020 :Installation: `Installing Percona Server for MongoDB `_ Percona Server for MongoDB 3.6.19-7.0 is an enhanced, open source, and highly-scalable database that is a fully-compatible, drop-in replacement for `MongoDB 3.6.19 Community Edition `_. It supports MongoDB 3.6.19 protocols and drivers. New Features ================================================================================ * :jirabug:`PSMDB-582`: Added Kerberos authentication to Percona Server for MongoDB Bugs Fixed ================================================================================ * :jirabug:`PSMDB-671`: createBackup returns ok:1 for archived backup when there is no disk space available * :jirabug:`PSMDB-656`: LDAP - user's permissions remain intact after a user is removed from LDAP * :jirabug:`PSMDB-589`: Add ldapUserCacheInvalidationInterval parameter to periodically flush external user cache * :jirabug:`PSMDB-583`: Detect a connection loss to LDAP server and reconnect automatically