.. _3.6.14-3.4: ================================================================================ |PSMDB| |release| ================================================================================ Percona announces the release of Percona Server for MongoDB |release| on |date|. Download the latest version from the `Percona website `_ or the `Percona Software Repositories `_. |PSMDB| is an enhanced, open source, and highly-scalable database that is a fully-compatible, drop-in replacement for MongoDB 3.6 Community Edition. It supports MongoDB 3.6 protocols and drivers. |PSMDB| extends Community Edition functionality by including the :ref:`inmemory` storage engine, as well as several enterprise-grade features. Also, it includes :ref:`mongorocks` storage engine, which is now deprecated. |PSMDB| requires no changes to MongoDB applications or code. |PSMDB| |release| is based on `MongoDB 3.6.14 `_. In this release, the license of RPM and DEB packages has been changed from `AGPLv3 `_ to `SSPL `_. Bugs Fixed ================================================================================ - :jirabug:`PSMDB-447`: The license for RPM and DEB packages has been changed from AGPLv3 to SSPL. .. |date| replace:: October 10, 2019 .. |release| replace:: 3.6.14-3.4