.. _3.6.1-1.0beta: ====================== |PSMDB| 3.6.1-1.0 Beta ====================== :Date: January 23, 2018 :Download: http://www.percona.com/downloads/percona-server-mongodb-3.6/ :Installation: :ref:`install` .. note:: This version is considered *BETA* quality and it's not intended to be used in production. This release is based on `MongoDB 3.6.1 `_ and provides the following features: * MongoDB's original MMAPv1_ storage engine, and the default WiredTiger_ engine * Optional :ref:`inmemory` and :ref:`mongorocks` storage engines * :ref:`External SASL authentication ` using OpenLDAP or Active Directory * :ref:`Audit logging ` to track and query database interactions of users or applications * :ref:`hot-backup` for the default WiredTiger_ and alternative :ref:`mongorocks` storage engine * :ref:`rate-limit` to decrease the impact of the profiler on performance Known Issues ------------ * :jirabug:`PSMDB-184` - MongoRocks reindexing collection or repairing database commands can cause inconsistency when doing immediate majority read in replica set. * :jirabug:`PSMDB-185` - MongoDB has its own notion of time, including an expected commit order for transactions that may be inconsistent with the order assigned by MongoRocks. This can cause majority read inconsistencies in highly concurrent environments in replica set mode.