.. _upgrade_from_34: ================================= Upgrading from |PSMDB| 3.4 to 3.6 ================================= .. important:: **MongoRocks is deprecated in Percona Server for MongoDB 3.6.** If you are using |PSMDB| 3.4 with MongoRocks, and you wish to upgrade to version 3.6, please read the note at the top of the MongoRocks page before upgrading: https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-server-for-mongodb/3.6/mongorocks.html To upgrade |PSMDB| to version 3.6, you must be running version 3.4. Upgrades from earlier versions are not supported. Before upgrading your production |PSMDB| deployments, test all your applications in a testing environment to make sure they are compatible with the new version. The general procedure for performing an in-place upgrade (where your existing data and configuration files are preserved) includes the following steps: 1. Stop the ``mongod`` instance. #. Remove old packages. #. Install new packages. #. Start the ``mongod`` instance. It is recommended to upgrade |PSMDB| from official Percona repositories using the corresponding package manager for your system. For more information, see :ref:`install`. .. warning:: Perform a full backup of your data and configuration files before upgrading. Upgrading on Debian or Ubuntu ============================= 1. Stop the ``mongod`` instance:: sudo service mongod stop #. Remove |PSMDB| 3.4 packages:: sudo apt-get remove percona-server-mongodb-34* #. Install |PSMDB| 3.6 packages:: sudo apt-get install percona-server-mongodb-36 #. If you modified the configuration file and wish to use it with the new version, verify that the :file:`/etc/mongod.conf` file includes the correct options. #. Start the ``mongod`` instance:: sudo service mongod start For more information, see :ref:`apt`. Upgrading on RHEL and CentOS ============================ 1. Stop the ``mongod`` instance:: sudo service mongod stop #. Remove |PSMDB| 3.4 packages:: sudo yum remove Percona-Server-MongoDB-34* #. Install |PSMDB| 3.6 packages:: sudo yum install Percona-Server-MongoDB-36 #. Start the ``mongod`` instance:: sudo service mongod start .. note:: When you remove old packages on Centos / RHEL, your modified configuration file is placed to :file:`/etc/mongod.conf.rpmsave`. To use your configuration with the new version, do the following before you start the ``mongod`` service: - Replace the default :file:`/etc/mongod.conf` file, - Check the permissions for the ``mongod`` user to custom paths for database and/or log files. - Restore the permissions, if needed:: chown -R mongod:mongod For more information, see :ref:`yum`.